Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Sept 4th

I woke up at 2:30 and my deltoid was aching. It happened again around 6:00 am. I was fine until the A's game. I felt like I was stretching my shoulder and using the muscles around it too much. There was a point where I felt like I was pulling my shoulder apart and it popped a little out and in. I felt something like that when I got home. Now, I'm just icing my arm and feeling lousy about not resting it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday September 3rd

Wednesday I reluctantly went back to work. Wednesday after work I was exhausted but I managed to do the work. Thursday turned out to be better, I actually drove to Santa Rosa to watch my boys compete at the Junior College wrestle offs. I definitely was exhausted after that. Friday I completed work without a hitch but felt I made a dumb mistake by inviting my best friend over. He brought a bottle of my favorite, (bulliet bourbon). The drink made me wrestless all night and I think that has affected my shoulder negatively.

I feel like I may be doing to much, but I don't see how it could be otherwise. I am quickly gainin strength back, however I am developing an awareness of the pain in my arm. Specifically I feel like my deltoid muscles have a pinched nerve that is doling out pain as well as making the palm of my hand numb. Will this go away? I feel like if I could just move my arm into the proper position I could alleviate this pain and numbness. It isn't intense, it is just bothersome. I see the doctor on thursday next week to discuss.
One of the better things to report is I have figured out how to wear the sling so that it feels like it is supporting my arm. Before, I felt like the sling was a little useless. Now it can be really comfortable when working. When I have the sling on, I hold weight in my affected hand / arm... I think that it is not ok, but I just can't help myself. it is just much easier to do these small tasks with both hands.

Hopefully this weekend will take a turn for the better. Rest, rest and more rest. But tomorrow I'm going to the A's game with my wife for our Anniversary! I should be fine:)